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Physical Education Dept.
Personal Fitness 11/12
What is Progressive Overload Training?
B-The Foundations (4 parts):
Exercise Science 1 - General Adaptation Syndrome
Exercise Science 2 - S.A.I.D. Principle
Exercise Science 3 - Fitness-Fatigue Paradigm
Exercise Science 4 - Summary
C - Fitness and Athletes (Documentaries)
Ultimate Athlete Pushing the Limit (Part 1 of 2)
Ultimate Athlete Pushing the Limit (Part 2 of 2)
Born To Run: The Kenyan Secrets (Documentary)
The Nature of Things (David Suzuki)Brain Magic: The Power of Placebo
Drugs in Sport -- Netflix Documentary : Icarus
. . . and still more VIDEO LINKS:
Do sports drinks and energy bars make you
a better athlete?
How "premium" orange juice is really made
Here's what's in your bottled water
Fast food chicken: Testing Subway, McDonald's,
A&W, Wendy's & Tim Hortons
Healthy or junk food? Busting food labels
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